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更新时间:2025-03-24 11:35:05
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come due什么意思

1. Cartoon crossings for children before schools and special strips printed at junctions where seniors frequent are also due to come out in the Municipality.

2. Due to its size, we know the tombs come from the Song Dynasty.

3. The decline has come about due to the demographic situation in modern China.

4. This unfavorable position has come about due to some historical and geographical factors.

5. Those past scenes may come back again due to an official ban on the handing out of free plastic bags.

6. Despite the increasing demand for sperm due to environmental and genetic reasons, donations are difficult to come by.

7. But the travel peak during golden holidays has also made train tickets hard to come by due to China's limited railway transport capacity.

8. The latest revision involved a regulation due to come into effect on Friday, which standardizes acquisitions and mergers of Chinese companies by foreign investors.

9. The next major test was due to come on Saturday, when unions and students planned to march together.

10. The first to come out will be the English translation, due in three and a half years.

come due的翻译


1. He attends educational job to come to died due to illness 2000 from 1969, be like a day three years, cautious and conscientious, exert one's utmost effort, dedicate oneself lifetime energy altruisticly to educational enterprise of people.

2. With so much home property luck due to come to you by June, you would be wise to wait to make your biggest home-related decisions later.

3. His failure to come back may be due to his illness.

4. However, due to various factors, the two sets of rules are bound to come into conflict.

5. If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern there in any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him?

6. Light projects out of darkness. The tangible substance is from the intangible. The vigor of life is from Tao. All creatures come into being due to the combination of Tao and their bodies.

7. The engine already meets the strict Euro 4 emission limits due to come into force.

8. The single-screw pump is a kind of rotary positive-displacement pump with inner gearing. Its main working parts include eccentric screw and fixed bush. Due to special geometric shapes of the rotor and the stator, several separate seal cavities come into being respectively. The rotation of the rotor drives the transfer of media in all seal cavities from the suction end to the extrusion end continuously at a constant speed with the same volume.

9. Keaney had just come back from injury and had been due to play in a reserve game, but the manager pulled him out of it.

10. Especially in recent years the issue has be- come more complicated due to its varous monopolistic patterns.

11. I'll tell you the name and the address of the hotel around a week before Aug 29th. We'll ask you to get in the hotel ballroom around 11:15 to 11:30 in the morning. Oversea fans need to pay attention about the wheather or typoon problem. If you're planning to come on 28th by flight, but due to the above problem your flight is cancel or delay and you can't meet your schedule, you must send e-mail to me on 28th. Otherwise, you still have to pay your whole fees. But even you let me know by 28th, you may still need to pay full amount or certain amount, all I can do is trying my best to fight with the hotel, but no guarantee.

12. I is a unit of employees, the second contract, the first deadline to sign a 3 years, and now it has just signed a 5-year contract, not due until 2013, because a sudden疾sick pay could not be more urgent written request for leave, this disease is a sudden come, after calling off the next day, the unit was also agreed, but when I`m sick just to go on to the unit, and also brought to the hospital treatment certificates and hospital to prove to the relevant units, but the unit, unit and says that we should resign the report I wrote it myself, and that dismissal of my own bad reputation, or their own had to resign, but I take leave of you called, and I also has been in hospital for treatment, should I have to carry me to the hospital unit to leave it?

13. One of the reasons due to so many people tried to persuade me had better not to come.

14. come due的解释

14. Our products have excelled due to our innovative designs, rugged durability and unparalleled optical performance; something that you have come to expect from ATN.

15. come due

15. Therefore this article carries out analysis on some aspects regarding plant modelling's material selection, application mode, as well as the functions developed in landscape gardens due to various periods, and different cultural backgrounds, and attempts to explore plant modellings'development trend; probes into modelling technique, methods and design's train of thought, and put forward some rational proposals with regards to current plant modellings'existing issues, to serve as reference to the art of plant modelling in the days to come.

16. I finally caught the chance to taste the gua food when first time in there and happened to heard that jalor of Goethe Castle from Sweden come to gua that time. Due to limited time, I lost the opportunity to visit as a big pity.

17. Did you ever experience that the shopkeeper is grouchy due to your handpicking behavior and failure to come to a price agreement On line you can have a close look at all goods, you can also bargain with the seller before taking them if your find your favourite article without suffering from shopkeeper's

18. come due的翻译

18. Breezily go they, breezily come; their dust smokes around their career, Till I think I am one born out of due time, who has no calling here.

19. But all the bad loans and toxic assets from poor decisions in the past are still on their books, he said, and reckoning will come due eventually.

20. This letter may come to you as a surprise due to the fact that we have not yet met.
喂 此信可能会来找你感到意外,原因是我们还没有满足。

The ability to meet maturing obligations as they come due.(有能力偿还到期的债务。)
If any group is in the direct line of fire, it is those private-equity firms that paid fortunes for leveraged buy-outs in 2006-07, and whose debts come due in 2009.(如果有一个惨烈程度的话,那么最惨的就是06年至07年在杠杆收购上投下巨资的私募股权公司,它们的债务在2009年到期。)
Apparently, that day has come because seemingly routine operations such as knee replacements are now much more hazardous due to the looming threat of these infections.(显然,这一天已经到来,因为由于这些感染的潜在威胁,膝关节置换等看似常规的手术现在要危险得多。)
Suddenly, a lot of these bills have come due at once.(大量帐单突然到期。)
When bills come due, only cash is legal tender.(在要付账的时候,只有现金才是合法的硬通货。)
They therefore represent creditors' claim on an organization's assets and are listed in the order that they come due.(因而,他代表债权人对企业资产的要求全,并按照其到期日的顺序排列。)
The bad news is that as certainly as exploding fireworks illuminate the sky, the bills will eventually come due for many kids who can't afford to pay them.(不好的一方面是就好比爆炸的烟花终将照亮天空,对于很多没有能力支付账单的孩子,账单终将会到期。)
Thus, in due order I come to the interactive query for searches.(这样,按期望的次序开始进行检索的交互式查询。)
As your maintenance agreements come due, you can make informed decisions to renew, upgrade, or replace software.(随着维护协议到期,您可以明智地决定是续约、升级还是替换软件。)
Still, around two trillion dollars in commercial mortgages are expected to come due for payment within the next five years.(另外,大约两万亿美元的商业抵押贷款被期望在五年内能到期给付。)
come due是什么意思 come due在线翻译 come due什么意思 come due的意思 come due的翻译 come due的解释 come due的发音 come due的同义词